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Wet Concrete Batch Hopper

TIVAR88-2 used to eliminate flow restriction and sticking in wet concrete batch hopper.


​TIVAR 88-2


192 ft³ wet concrete batch hopper, divided in 2 compartment. Complete hopper was lined.

Bulk Material

Wet concrete, coloured.


Concrete would adhere to the steel hopper and cause a disruption in flow. Labour intensive to frequently clean out hardened concrete.
Background: A large paving stone company was concerned about poor flow leading to increasing rates of rejected product and the high labour cost involved with monitoring and maintaining the hopper.
Problem: The wet concrete mixture would adhere to the steel hopper walls. As the concrete hardened and the build-up would worsen, it would lead to incorrectly poured pavers and a plugged discharge leading to lost production. Hardened concrete was labour intensive and next to impossible to clean out of the hopper.
Solution: TIVAR88-2 liners were engineered and fabricated to fit into the existing steel hopper. Due to the narrow discharge of the hopper all corners were field welded to seal the liner rather than a radius corner.
Result: In the months after the TIVAR88-2 liners were installed, most of the sticking problems were eliminated. Quality and production counts were up significantly due to consistent flow through the lined batch hopper. The customers problems were alleviated and their was a secondary benefit realized of no colour contamination between batches.


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